Annual Church Events
Please join us for one of our many annual events. From our Thanksgiving Feast to our May Carnival there will certainly be something for you and your family to enjoy.
World Marriage Day
The church hosts a champagne luncheon for married couples following the 11:30 am Mass on the Sunday prior to St. Valentine's Day.
Lenten Retreat - Deacon Tom Jacobs host a Lenten Retreat to help parishioners focus on our Lenten promises.
Stations of the Cross/Soup Suppers - Our parish community performs Stations of the Cross on Fridays during Lent followed by providing a Soup Supper in the Parish Hall.
Sacraments (First Holy Communion, RCIA, Confirmation) - Based on the Liturgical calendar and Easter schedule groups taking part in sacraments can find more information on dates listed on our calendar:
Those interested in sacramental preparation can find more information by calling the church office at 479-783-7745.
Carnival - For over 90 years the church and school have hosted a two-day event for our parishioners and greater Fort Smith community featuring games, food, prizes, live music, drinks, Silent Auction, and more. The fun-filled nights take places every year on the third weekend (Friday & Saturday) of May.
Vacation Bible School -The church hosts a week-long VBS for students from kindergarten – 5th grade during the month of June to help teach them about Jesus’ love for them.
All of our parish events need the support of our Christ the King Catholic community as well as many of our Fort Smith and surrounding area partners. We welcome volunteers and donations for all of our events. For information on how you can attend, help, or donate to an event please contact the church office at 479-783-7745.
Ice Cream Social
The parish hosts its annual Ice Cream Social on the Sunday before our the school’s first day of resuming classes. Parishioners of all ages enjoy yummy ice cream while having the opportunity to mingle and visit with our parishioners. This year’s event is scheduled for Sunday, August 12 at 4 pm in our Parish Center.
Parish Picnic
This annual event is held on a Sunday afternoon in September at on our school playground. This is a pot-luck event for parishioners to fellowship together.
Fall Retreat
Deacon Tom Jacobs host a fall retreat to help parishioners replenish and focus prior to the Advent season.
ABC Fest
The event will feature food, drinks, and fun! The 2nd annual ABC Fest is scheduled for Saturday, October 18, 2019. Click HERE for more info.
Thanksgiving Dinner
Feast of Christ the King - An annual tradition of marking the Feast of Christ the King on the Sunday prior to Thanksgiving. This is a pot-luck gathering to promote fellowship for our parishioners during a time of reflection of thanks.
Our Lady of Guadalupe - Our Hispanic Ministry holds an event to celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe in December.
Christmas Pageant - Our church and school children from kindergarten through second grade perform a live Nativity in honor of Christmas.